15 hours!

Ack!  What was to have been an already taxing 13-hour drive day has stretched into a nearly intolerable 15 hours.   Traffic is heavy and it has rained for most of the way.  Kent has done all the heavy lifting as I have driven only a couple hours but we are both past ready to be there, anywhere!  The upside, we are on the way to New York to see kids and grandbabies with a stop in PA to pick up a sampling of Carol’s great Christmas cookies.  We can power through the travel.

We crash at The Wasik bed and breakfast where the quick overnight includes cookies and Irish coffee and a cozy warm bed.  A 5 star stop!  We head out after a pancake breakfast, thanks Bday boy, with dozens of cookies – chocolate chip of course, date pinwheels, figgies, pnut blossoms, fudge, Florentines, and adorable gingerbread people (can’t wait to see if Willa can identify herself in that collection).  Thanks Carol, for the delicious addition to the family get together.  You outdid yourself.

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