Yeah, it’s the middle of nowhere

Canyon de Chelly National Monument…it’s a smaller version of the Grand Canyon.  Shear stone cliffs up to 700 feet tower over the narrow valley.

Canyon de Chelly National Monument

Canyon de Chelly National Monument

Rock structures from 2500 BC nomadic people hide here.  Ancient Pueblo cliff dwellings occupy many ledges and their petro glyphs dot the canyon walls.  Newer Navaho structures and their cliff art from the 1830s join the ancient work.  It is a bit like “Where’s Waldo” looking for all that hides among the stone.

The canyon is actually easier to appreciate than the Grand Canyon.  We can see the streams that over thousands of years have cut the canyon.  Green fields dot the valley floor and livestock wanders freely.  Cow moos echo wonderfully in this canyon. The bright Spring green of the cotton woods stands in stark contrast with the red rock.  It is big enough to be spectacular yet not overwhelming.

It is out of the way for most routine trips to the West for all the big parks but it is worth a bit of a side trip.

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