Tickly guppy swarms

We step gently down the steps into the pool at camp. The water is a warm 80 or so and feels great after our hike.VirginValleyPoolComp_3022  It is an earthen pool with a gravel and sand bottom and I notice little fish around the edge.  No problem.  I swim in lakes all the time.  Oh my, this is different.  The little guys nibble, not really bite I guess because it leaves no mark but it tickles.  It is bit distracting when I hoped for a relaxing soak but we hang out for a half hour or so.

Now for the rustic shower house – oh yeah, they mean rustic but the water is warm and there is lots of it. Together the pool and shower are a nice feature for the campground and overall the experience had the desired result, relaxed and clean.

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