
Tonight we check out the new LED lights on the falls and the fireworks show.

Folks claim that best views are from the Canada side so we grab our passports and a jacket and head for Rainbow Bridge.

The US falls are brilliantly lit by the setting sun.  We get a glimpse or two of nature’s light show as rainbows come and go in the mist that billows into the gorge.  A queue of 10 or so creates a short wait at Canadian customs but all goes smoothly.  We claim a good spot in view of both falls and settle in the wait for dark.  We pass the time listening to a local band in the plaza below and watching zipliners soar through the gorge.

It is 9PM. Both falls are brightening, just white light for now.  As the sky darkens, colors appear and the water glows red, blue, green and gold.

The deep blue is my favorite.  9:45; BOOM, the test charge for the fireworks display echoes off the gorge walls.  It won’t be long now.


Lights on both falls drop to a pale blue and the pyrotechnics begin. It is not a huge show but with this backdrop it is still impressive.  The air is still and smoke collects in the basin between the falls filtering the light of the final charges.  Happy 150th Canada.  Nicely done.  It is a great view from your side.


Rainbow Bridge US pedestrian customs is backed up a bit but our return to the US goes as smoothly as our departure

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