Big Bend….Big Chill

We were in shorts and T-shirts when we got here and had a nice day to hike the next day. We walked out to “The Window”. It is up in the Chisos Mountains and is a cut through a high mesa with a view out across the Mexico mountains. Great view. Since then, the chill has been on. We have had severe winds and down to 19F in camp at night. It didn’t make it out of the 20s all day today with light snow falling on the Sierra Del Carmen Mountains across the Rio Grande. Tonight’s forecast is single digits! We have plenty of propane and can run the generator in the daytime to recharge the batteries for the furnace but no power at night so no electric blanket…..long johns to bed it is! We don’t get TV or radio here so not exactly sure of the minute by minute weather further north; but, what we do hear doesn’t sound so great anywhere right now. We are going to ride it out here. It is supposed to get back in the 50s by weekend.

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