Flower pots on the ocean floor

Down about six flights of metal stairs.  They start out solid but the last couple flights are open grating.   The view from each landing is of odd shaped stone columns that are bigger on top than their base.  These columns are huge.  Most have trees (not little shrubs mind you; full size pine trees) growing on top of them.    At the base of the stairs metal tread gives way to the crunch of stone.  Cliffs to the right line a wide rocky beach dotted with those flowerpot rock formations along with boulders covered with grass-seagrass that is- and beyond that, mudflats on out to the water.  It was like strolling any beach except we knew that it is actually the floor of the ocean (specifically Shepody Bay off Fundy) and will be under 43 feet of water when the tide comes up in just a couple hours.

We stroll and check it all out then back up the stairs to see the transformation as the water rises 7 vertical feet per hour.  Amazing.  Pretty cool to think about having just been out there.  Worth the visit, Hopewell Rocks,New Brunswick.  There is a youtube video www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnDJ6_XpGfo showing the tide timelapse photography.  Not quite as good as being there but a fun watch.

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