Oops, we visited the Wiggin’s

In the Deep Creek area of the Smokys, a wide well groomed trail follows along a boulder strewn creek.   This is billed as an easy walk to three falls with a short moderate section.  Great for families.  The first waterfall was in just .2 miles and cascaded across moss covered rock.  The next fall, was just another half mile or so, no problem.  It was lovely as well.  We relaxed and listened to tumbling waters for a few.  Then on we go, up!  Not terribly steep but a long steady climb.  Leaves rustled under our feet and clattered down through the trees.  The solitude made the work worth it.  We caught our breath for a few, headed back down the ridge and stopped along the creek for a relaxing lunch.  We crossed the creek and followed the sign, 1.2 miles to the last set of falls.  Cool.  One switchback and the bridal trail split off.  Our being on foot, we interpreted that to mean we go the other way..the one for foot traffic.  Wrong.  It seemed odd, the trail immediately got very steep.  It was rocky and we clambered over fallen trees.  This really didn’t look like the stroll they billed it as!  We pushed on.  The trail got steeper.  We actually had to hold onto trees to scramble up the slope.  We emerged on a narrow ridge.  This did not look like waterfall territory.  Guess what.  It is not.  A bit further along the ridge the trail ended in a clearing where three simple gravestones stood; Violet, Theodore and Guy Wiggins.  What a peaceful setting.

But, no waterfall.  We scrambled down the slopes and flung our somewhat rubbery, tired legs over the fallen logs.  Back at the junction with the bridal trail we decided to bag it.  Two waterfalls will have to do.  But no, that’s not how it worked out.  To make a long story shorter, we took a different trail to the third falls.  It too was beautiful.  The leaves swirl and dance as the water sweeps them along.  I am a sucker for waterfalls, what can I say?!

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