Celebration March 2, 2013

Mike and Tracy are married.  The handsome groom (of course).   The beautiful bride.  An ideal setting in the snow covered mountains.  A perfect, romantic ceremony.  A fun reception that combined great food, traditional toasts and dances, and a not-so-traditional cookie dunking.  There was plenty of music and dancing.  There were even a few snow flakes to add to the mood.  It was wonderful.

Mike n Tracy Snowflakes_0088

Rehearsal night was a great time too.  The food at the BBQ was great and constant hum of joyful voices was a perfect start for the weekend.  Mike got to show off his awesome fire building skills at the bonfire.  My toes were freezing by the time we wrapped up, it was definitely a Mike moment that I wouldn’t have missed for the world.

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