A baseball fix

Photo_060413_001Small time but still fun.  We checked out a game in the Prospect League between the Chillicothe Paints and the Lorain County Ironmen.  The Paints won.  The mascot was pretty cool, Chief Crazy Horse.  I guess I ought to research why they are the Paints and why the Paints have a Crazy Horse mascot….


It’s a little stadium on the VA (Veterans Administration) hospital grounds, a neat idea.  I don’t know if the ambulatory patients get in free but there were more than a few in attendance.

We found a great parking spot that was amazingly close to the gate given our last minute arrival.  It didn’t occur to us until the first foul ball went out over our heads why that row might have still been vacant!   No problem though…no broken windows or hole in the ragtop.

I can’t believe how involved the team was in audience participation.

Best thing:  “people bowling” by the bullpen.

Guy 1 is the bowler: he goes through the ball release steps.

Guy 2 is the ball: he summersaults some 50 feet from the point of release to the set of pins

Guys 3 thru 10 or so are the pins: they stand in the classic triangle formation and fall down and clatter into each other when guy 2 runs into them

Silliest thing: bullpen chicken dance

Great audience participation

The dizzy bat spin…kids put their foreheads on a bat and spin 10 times then run and tag the hand of the Paint player.

Pizza box Frisbee toss: adults toss a Frisbee to a Paints player who tries to catch it in a Dominos pizza box.

They had funnel cakes.  Wonderful.  They ought to have the breaking glass sound when foul tips go out into the lots.  They had that at the Silverhawks stadium in South Bend and that was a fun diversion.

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