Hopewell Culture National Historic Park


It does make one wonder.  Earthen mounds enclosed in vast walled fields.  Circle and square patterns repeat in far reaching areas of middle Ohio.  Shapes are aligned with long studied astrological movements.  All this complexity and no evidence of written language to guide this massive and precise work, hmmm.  For 700 years (200BC to 500AD according to archeologists) ancient Indians moved massive amounts of dirt by the basketful to create these structures.   Intricate carvings and shapes in copper, mica and obsidian along with many flint and shell tools are found throughout the mounds.  We guess at why they came here and why they built these structures.  It a reminder of our limitations to know that we will never actually know what motivated and satisfied these past societies.  Again I am left wondering what marks will remain 2000 years from now and what will they tell of our culture.

A doe and her young fawn and the meadowlarks enjoyed the open meadowlands of this Park.  Red wing black birds must have been nesting in the high grass.  They circled and dove at us when we got close.  It certainly got my attention.


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