Miscellaneous Rock Lake

Tracy embraced the experience.  When they arrived we found out that she had never been fishing EVER in her life and here she is, signed up for a week of nothing to do but fish.  Okay.

Mike was a great encourager and she waded right into it all.  She caught a nice walleye, no small feat.  She touched a live fish…not held it, touched it, but that’s a start.  She managed to stay in the boat when the Northern Pike shook their slim everywhere.  She skinned a bass. Next time, bait your own hook!?

Caught in the rain: it poured as we sat huddled under umbrellas.  It was chilly and we didn’t want to get too wet so we had to wait for it to stop to move on.  It was probably a good thing that we couldn’t hear what Mike and Tracy may have shared under their umbrella!  Fish weren’t biting either.  Not a post card sort of day on RockLake.

The kids made supper their last night with us; grilled bass and cornbread in the cast iron dutch oven.  It was delicious. We topped the night off with a campfire with s’mores of course.

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