Kayaking quiet bays

It is a cool, bright sunny morning with only a light breeze, perfect for kayaking.  We don jackets and lifejackets and head out.  We glide past gull rock and into BrownsBay.  The water is crystal clear and we can see everything along the bottom of the lake…lots of minnows but no big fish.  We explore back into farthest reaches of the bay.  It is odd to glide across fallen timber and rocks just inches below the surface.  It is wonderfully quiet.


The next bay is home to a family of Golden eye ducks, a Merganser mama and her little ones, mallard families, and one other so far un-named mama duck who blasts out of a reedy island right beside Kent.  His heart is racing a tad.  The mama duck isn’t too thrilled either.  She moves about 20 feet but is anxiously circling and clucking obviously fretting over her nest that we have just encroached on.  We paddle until we encounter a wall of reeds.  Time to turn back.

A few minutes basking in the warm sun then it’s back to camp.  What a great morning.  Note to self, take a break every hour or so when paddling.  It is a lot easier on the legs and hips that way.

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