Wakami-Why we like this place

We love the sun through the clear, clean air.  The shorelines come alive like I can count the leaves on the trees and the feathers on the eagle as it soars by.  Trees aren’t just green.  They are a pallet of greens from a bright limey color of new birch leaves to the deep black-green of the spruce.  The sky starts bight blue at the horizon to a deep endless blue straight above.  Waves on the water sparkle.  It is all so vivid.

I love the loons.  The soulful, sometimes mournful yodeling and the soft hoot when they are “chatting” as they float and fish.  The locator calls as they fly overhead or far across the lake answering back as pairs or social groups gather.

We love the quiet and the solitude.  There are bays where I feel truly alone with the earth.

It is full of memories.  Kent came here for years with his parents.  Both are gone from this earth now but somehow feel a little closer here.  We came here with our boys.  Both are grown and on their own now but there are flashbacks of good times when we return to this shared place.

We will come here again.

One thought on “Wakami-Why we like this place

  1. Wow, I have to say, that brought tears to my eyes. When June hits and i’m NOT getting ready for Canada, I still feel somehow like I’m missing something. I’m glad you got to be there.

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