Enthusiasts with a CAPITAL “E”

A workers camp is packed with probably 100 trailers, RVs and converted school buses; the visitor’s campground is equally packed.  We are parked in alfalfa field among row upon row of vehicles of every type.  Kids are running everywhere.  Teenage boys are “cruising” the grounds on tractors.  Who knew just how much interest there is in steam tractors?  Expected attendance is 200,000.

We are at the Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion in Rollag.  It all started 60 years ago with a threshing demonstration using a Garr-Scott steam traction engine and has evolved into a celebration of all things steam driven.  It isn’t a static display.  Stuff runs, belches smoke, toots, and works hard, occasionally breaks down, and is magnificent to watch.  Yesterday’s parade of restored vintage equipment lasted over 1 1/2 hrs.  Early gas and kerosene equipment is here as well.  The tractors are huge.  The metal lugged wheels tower over head-high.

It was amazing to stand along “Main Street” as 10s of these vehicles moved around like regular traffic.  Coal dust and grease smeared faces are a badge of honor around here.  Bib overalls are the clothing of choice for all ages, both genders.  I don’t think the original inventor envisioned overalls over a tube top?!  Anyway, everybody really gets into it all.

We rode the steam engine train.  Steam shovel comp_0394

Watched real STEAM shovels playing in their “sand box”.  Steam Roller Comp_0438




There is a real steam driven steam roller.  The carousel is powered by a steam engine.Horse thrashing_0524




There is some live horsepower here too.  Ten (10) horses, working as 5 teams of two hitched to a rotary hitch, powered a threshing machine.  It seemed no small feat to get them all working in unison.   Percheron pull wagons for rides and a Main street trolley car.  A ferrier demonstrated shoeing including a full pedicure.  He trimmed hooves and filed them for a perfect fit to the new shoes.  I never knew that the horseshoe nails came through the hoof.  He clipped off the ends to look like little rhinestones on the hooves.

The Spark ShowSpark show Web_0492

Only at a steam engine place could you have this nighttime closing event.  They fire the boilers with coal then throw in sawdust.  They pour on the power and sparks fly out of the head of the engine boiler and high into the air out of the stack.  Kent has the T-shirt that says it all.  “Steam Threshers Nightlife” over a picture of an engine spewing sparks.

It is a fun event that is held every Labor Day weekend.  I highly recommend seeing it at least once.

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