A few more locals

Our early drive today introduced us to a couple new guys.

A coyote.  He was downright chubbycoyote Comp_0164for a coyote and had a sleek fur coat unlike the mangy looking fellows we typically see.  We found him stalking prairie dogs.  They must be pretty nutritious.

A pronghorn antelope.  He was the subject of the ranger program Sunday evening….talking about how illusive they are here at the park.  We only saw one which is a little odd.  They tend to hang out in groups or families.   I didn’t expect them to be here at all given how rugged it is.  They are supposed to be open prairie animals where their escape speed is their main defense.

No elk to see but we did hear a bull practicing his fall bugling.  Maybe it was our fellow from yesterday working to increase the size of his harem?

The horses were out and about too.  Sometimes with manes flying as they ran across the grasslands and other times tails swishing as they lazily munched away.  Oh, and bison too.  A herd of 15 or so bison walked down either side of the car as we sat and watched.  I could have reached out of the car window and scratched the one guy’s nose.  I didn’t.   I could hear his breathing and see his wet nose.  Plenty close.

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