Wow, what a busy weekend


We tore out a 300 ft footbridge ¾ of a mile back the trail and 200 feet of marsh boardwalk.  Awesome.


Two pickups loaded with eight “kids” from Texas A&M rolled in late Friday evening.  We settled them into Refuge housing and encouraged a good night’s sleep since an early start and a full day was in store for Saturday.

Prep started a 7AM and by 7:30 eight bright eyed kids were ready to get to it.  Twelve more adult volunteers joined us and Refuge staff pitched in to drive equipment.  By 8:30 we were actually at the worksite stringing cords and distributing tools.  The generator hummed.  Saw blades rang out.  Tractors and UTVs chugged materials away; but mostly people heaved, hefted and sweat.  The bridge was to be the whole project for the weekend but it was out by the end of the day Saturday.  Next task, a section of boardwalk also slated for demolition.  Sunday was just as awesome.  Threatened thunder storms held off and everyone put in another hard day.  Two pickups loaded with kids headed back to their studies.  Volunteers returned to their regular lives.

Kent and I were dubbed project managers/coordinators but the coming together of this group of committed volunteers is what made the whole thing work.  Thank you a million times over to each person who worked these days and those who supported the effort in the pre-work.

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