A silver lining

Some quality time with Brian and Johnna.


Our visit to Camping World didn’t go very smoothly.  What was originally set for a day and a half stretched to 5 days.  Despite all the literature, the Invis-ibrake system and a Ford Focus were not immediately compatible.  The Camping World techs called the manufacturer techs and the Ford techs and think they have figured it out.  Parts were ordered and installed.  Tuesday at 5PM we rolled our now-even-larger menagerie out of their lot.  Whew, I’m glad that’s done.


In the mean time we have had a chance to hang out with Brain and Johnna.   Brian showed off his tractor driving/bush hogging skills and we met nine Chihuahua puppies that are just a couple weeks old.  Otherwise just catching up and hanging out.  It is great.

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