Birds along the Great Salt Lake

It is a matter of numbers and splendid breeding plumage rather than new sightings.  American Avocets,Avocet Comp_2289 Black Necked Stilts, and Cinnamon Teals in their Sunday best explore the many ponds and channels.  The breeze stirs wispy neck and head feathers of snowy egrets. Pheasant plumage is so vivid that it almost looks painted on.Pheasant Comp_2273

As the sun slides lower in the sky over the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, bugs first dot then cover the car windows.  Mosquitoes?  They sure look like mosquitoes!  Have no fear though, according to a conveniently placed refuge signboard they are actually midges…mosquito-like but no nasty biting proboscises.  We are not taking any chances.  Windows are staying up.

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