Booming and dancing

The van rolls to a stop.  There in the middle of the road an Attwater’s Prairie Chicken is guarding his territory.  He makes no sound but he fearlessly struts to remove all doubt as to who is in charge here.   Seeing no Prairie Chicken rivals, after a brief show he continues on.  So do we.

Our destination, a viewing platform near a booming field out in the refuge.  It is early.  7AM.  The platform is getting full as van after van brings eager birdwatchers just waiting for a glimpse of the rare bird. Attwater Prairie Chicken comp_0971 Then we hear it.  A faint eerie sound sort of like wind blowing.  That’s booming?  The guide described it as the sound made when you blow across a glass pop bottle.  Yep, that’s the sound.  We spot him.  A male Prairie Chicken high above the meadows on a windmill foundation.  His throat balloons out in a bright orange color and the hooing sound floats our way.  Females make quick appearances as they move through the tall grass.  They are all at binocular range but still cool to see and hear.

The best show; just outside the van window a male boomed, danced and strutted.  They are beautiful birds.


Only 100 remain.  Nearly all of them live here at the Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge.

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