Now…fishing..and even a bit of catching

We have red worms and night crawlers so we are out early to see what we can catch.  The count, a handful of pan fish, one bass and a couple catfish.  It was an ok morning for fishing.  Critter watching made it even better.  There are scissor tail flycatchers, red headed woodpeckers, a pair bald eagles, night heron, king birds and lots of mocking birds (they are building nests all around camp).  I caught a glimpse of a huge snake sliding off a floating log…don’t know what kind it was but glad it chose to head the other way.

Gray skies opened up to a downpour that approached like a solid wall across the lake.  Big drops created mini fountains as they hit the lake surface.  We waited it out under an umbrella.  Beautiful!


First, some outboard motor repairs

The outboard has been spilling gas when it is tipped up so Kent replaced the gaskets on the carburetors.  I will leave the details for his first hand account.  All I will say is that our first evening at Rayburn Lake was filled with a fair amount of mumbling, some unanticipated banging and the smell of outboard oil; but mission accomplished, a test run confirmed no more gas leak.  One more repair, the coolant water pump/gear.  It was a lot more difficult than it looked in the youtube video.

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