Harpers Ferry NHS

The Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers carve steep cuts though the Allegheny Mountains. Confluence RiversComp_2331Though time their power has been alternately harnessed for great work

and has rushed forward untamable to unleash tremendous fury and consume all in its path.  On a point at their confluence lies a great example of how geology and terrain drove settlement and growth, the town Harpers Ferry. The site attempts to interpret the crisscrossed stories of nation building through first canals

Lock 23 C&O Canal

Lock 23 C&O Canal

then railroads, the Civil Rights movement with John Brown’s raid, JohnBrownsFort_2329and repeated Civil War battles over this strategic transportation hub and home of vital

Rifle Manufacturing

Rifle Manufacturing









Federal arms manufacturing. Interpreters in period costume help bring the city back to life. It is easily a full day to explore. Add another if you want to trek the trails or visit local related sites like Charles Town where John Brown was hanged.



Check out the Confectionary. ConfectionaryComp_2340The shelves are lined with sweets and treats as enjoyed across the centuries. I skipped the roasted hemp seeds and marshmallow weed but had to sample a few things: the Pepper Company’s smooth Gibraltar Peppermint and tongue biting ginger drops plus an early chocolate bar now recreated by the Historic Division of Mars candy. If you make it in there, hang around a bit for the proprietor’s story telling.

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