The Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania

ColtonPointComp_2502A glacier started it some 20,000 years ago and Pine Creek continues the work of deepening the magnificent gorge. While nature takes its course, man stepped in and deforested the entire area, trains set fire to thousands of acres, and hunting and trapping decimated the wildlife populations. We made a huge mess but fortunately for us the restorative powers of nature have healed this land. It has taken 100+ years but the gorge is once again tree lined and beautiful. Deer, beaver, elk, and river otter have been reintroduced and thrive here. Leonard Harrison and Colton Point State Parks provide access to rim trails affording panoramic views and steep gorge wall trails leading through thick forests to beautiful waterfalls.FourMileFallsComp_2531

Wild Pennsylvania, yep that’s a great byline for this area.

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