We found them

The Pennsylvania elk herd hangs out around Benezette.  An evening drive gave us a look at about 60 females and their young mostly hanging out in large groups.  One came close along the road to pick AppleElkComp_2605apples.  The apples were almost out of reach but she figured out that if she grabbed a low twig in her teeth and giggled the branch apples would fall to the ground.  Smart lady.

The guys don’t seem to ElkBulls_2615have much interest in the ladies just yet and are still chilling and eating and growing some pretty spectacular antlers.  A group of 9 peacefully went about their business as every car that passed near, including ours, just had to stop and check them out.  Impressive.

I still need to check out the visitors’ center so we will head that way again tomorrow.  Here’s hoping we will see lots more of these magnificent locals.

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