Well, maybe we will give it one more chance

The sky is a brilliant clear blue and the warmth of the unfiltered sun offsets the cool breeze.   Acres of coastal prairie move like a shimmering ocean all around us.  Raptors soar just above the bluestem and a curious coyote snuffles along the shoreline.  What a sight it must have been when this terrain went on as far as the eye could see.  Thanks Padre National Seashore…people need a place like this to recharge.


I had just about written this place off.   In an entire week we found only one tolerable day that wasn’t too cold and rainy to even get out of the house.  I decided, this isn’t the place for me.  Then the weather did a 180.  It is hard to write off such a marvelous place.  We will probably be back one day, maybe we will try Spring next time

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