Whooping Cranes – from the water side

From the moment we launch our kayaks we hear the gargling-squawking call of a pair of cranes. They aren’t far…we paddle on, scanning the marshland as we go.  White heads shoot up above the grasses then disappear.  Again they appear.  A pair of cranes is working its way across the marsh chowing down on whatever it is they find there.  They feed for what seems like forever always keeping mostly out of sight.  They cackle and scold any roseate spoonbill who dares approach too close.  Just as we are about to move on, the pair of cranes moves out into the open.  Hooperskayak_7723We watch until they work their way back into the tall grass. What a beautiful sight.  We paddle on.





Look here, a flock of roseate RosetteComp_7745spoonbills relaxing along the shore.


A pair of whoopers glide by on broad graceful wings.


Huge flocks of red headed ducks are arriving.  Hunters are getting ready to take advantage of the numbers when season reopens next weekend.  They are sprucing up blinds and scouting where flocks are congregating.  I suspect it will be noisy around here.

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