
The Chimneys Comp_9975Our destination, the remnants of a volcanic dike. It looks like a row of brick chimneys jutting up from the desert floor.  They have been used as a landmark for thousands of years.  Tufts of soft grasses wave on either side of the trail interspersed with cactus, creosote bushes and the occasional yucca.  We are crossing a bit of the remaining grasslands that ranchers came out here for. Buds on the ocotillo and prickly pear are just about to burst open.  In a day or two the place will be splashed with bright yellow and red.    Black tailed jack rabbits and cotton tails scurry about.  More black throated sparrows and even a couple rufus crowned.  We started early so the walk is cool and breezy.

Here they are, the chimneys. Erosion has taken its toll but they are still remarkable.  Bits of pictographs mark the place of ancient passings.  A scramble part way up the debris pile gives a panoramic view and a comfortable rock seat to soak in the surroundings.

Heading back. It seems like the ocotillo buds are more open than just an hour ago.  The sun is baking down and we are ready to find some shade.

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