More rock art – some ancient some not so

A huge bolder strewn rock outcropping rises from the desert floor where the overlying ancient sea bed has eroded to expose the tougher volcanic rock. Area springs and hueco (an Indian name for water holding bowl or depressions) with their promise of water year round have drawn humans to the area for thousands of years.  Monochrome red/orange stick figures 10,000 years old still grace the walls beneath protected overhangs.  More colorful mask drawingstourquoise face Comp_0169 and even remains of a village tell of another wave of visitors some 2000 years ago.  The Apache and Tigua Indians left murals telling of battles and celebration.  Pictograph comp_013549ers, Butterfield overland stage personnel, and Texas Rangers have overlaid their marks.  If rocks could talk.

The area is protected within Hueco Tanks State Park just outside of El Paso.

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