An early morning paddle

Maybe we can get a better look at the Bill Williams NWR from the water side? It is calm and bright as we launch onto the cool waters of Lake Havasu.  The Refuge canoe launch is at the mouth of the Williams River so our open paddle is short before we cut through the reeds and into the river channel.  The air is filled with the early morning chatter of birds.  Grebes squeak, coots cluck, blackbirds and grackles squawk and squeal and there is the occasional bizarre laugh of a moorhen.  Beaver crisscross the river in front of us.  There are glimpses of heron and bittern in the reeds.  Cormorant strike their classic wing drying pose.  It is a quiet paddle until the very end.  The forecast was for increasing winds all day and they got it right.  The short open water paddle seems a bit longer as we battle 2 foot waves on the way back to the pull out.  A bit wet but none the worse off  we end a lovely morning on the water.

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