One last spin on the lake

It is a cool morning and perfect for sleeping in. The sky is clear with scattered puffy clouds.  It seems fitting that we get out on the lake one last time before we head out. Kent has been suggesting that I relearn how to drive the boat.  I must concede that I let him handle that pretty much all the time.  Today I practiced a bit.  I started it, idled along, brought it up on plane (I hate that I can’t see over the bow when it is coming up), ran an imaginary slalom, and made a couple nice turns.  The throttle makes my hand tired.  I return the controls to our capable captain and return to my bow seat to enjoy the wind in my hair.

Thickening clouds run us back to camp by early afternoon. By late afternoon heavy showers are appearing to the east and the west.  Spurts of big cold drops urge us to pack up what we can and get busy with dinner. Kent grills.  We enjoy our last dinner here on Lake Roosevelt just as the heavy showers reach us.  We even had time for s’mores.  Perfect timing makes for a restful end to our stay here.  This is a place to return to one day.  (Probably not over a Holiday weekend though.  This place was a bit of a zoo for a few days.)  Tomorrow we head for Spokane.

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