A perfect day

We spent the day on lower Priest Lake.  Despite a cool 50F start to the day and a forecast for off and on rain we headed out. PriestLakeDoc_4673 I packed jackets and fleece and we have umbrellas in the boat. We were ready for anything.  What we got was a brilliant blue sky decorated with cotton-like clouds, light cool winds, and plenty of sun that quickly warmed all that it touched.  We slow trolled to animal watch and ran at speed to explore the shore and some of the islands.


Best animal spot; a pair of bald EagleCropDoc_4684eagles standing watch over their treetop nest. They did a lot of chirping at us when we came upon them. Check out the tasty morsel one is clutching.


Idaho claims this lake as an unspoiled jewel.  That is probably a bit of an over statement since there is really quite a bit of development on the shoreline.  Still, it is a beautiful place and we had a perfect last day to enjoy it.

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