Bench Lakes hike above Redfish Lake

Wear and tear tells us that this is a high traffic trail sometimes but not this morning. We gain a bit of elevation then walk the ridge with great views of Redfish and Sawtooth Mountains.  We pause as a deer watches us and munches then watches us again before veering off the trail and into the pines.

A final set of steep hot switchbacks brings us to the first forest encircled lake. Mountain peaks reflect in the still surface.  All is silent and a duck creates smooth ripples as it glides across the surface.

We bushwack our way to lake number two,BenchLake2Comp_5283 since we didn’t’ see that the trail actually skirted the lake on the other side. We are rewarded with another pool.  We notice a family camp near the shore but all is peacefully silent.  Then we hear it, “Mom, Dad.  Mom, Dad.  There are people here.”  Guess they had had the place all to themselves up til we showed up.  We find a seat on a fallen log near the waterline and stay for a few.  We  agree that we could probably enjoy some time here, especially those few evening and overnight hours when even just a few miles out one can feel that they are the only people on earth.

It is noon time and the midmorning hikers are arriving so we bid our peaceful perch farewell and head down to the beach at Redfish Lake for a dip.  It doesn’t take long to cool off then not long to warm up as the lake is pretty cold but sun toasty warm.


Back at camp the smoke is rolling in again. We head back to the Sawtooth view across Redfish Lake to check out the sunset.

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