Biscuits then manatee watching

We are camped too close to a Bob Evans and just can’t resist so it’s off to breakfast today. Financial times say The Farm has sold off the restaurants to an investment company.  Home they don’t mess it up!

The Tampa Electric power plant in Apollo Beach has developed its warm water discharge canal as a refuge for manatees.  It mimics the conditions found at warm springs all along the Florida coast.  The Manatees are loving it today.  There are a dozen or more hanging out for all to watch.

On face value it seems like a win-win solution. The power company gets great press and the manatees a protected area.  There is some push back though.  Some developers are saying “The power plant refuges” provide safe haven for the endangered manatee.  That means its ok that we develop the natural spring areas for human use without worrying about the Manatees.  Of course that isn’t exactly true and environmentalists are pretty vocal about manmade refuges not being the same thing as their natural environs.  I have to agree with that sentiment but did enjoy watching from our perch on the elevated boardwalk.

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