A bluff charge

We have been trudging a couple miles along a muddy, rock and root strewn trail.   It is through beautiful country along many beaver lakes and meadows.  But, the walk is exhausting.  We are relieved to find that it follows an old railbed for a couple miles and settle in on that easy section of the walk.

There is movement in the underbrush to the left of the trail along with some sort of muffled sound. We slow to check it out and suddenly she leaps out of the brush puffed up to as big as she can make herself and fiercely facing off with us on the trail. Kent plays it cool.  He doesn’t even reach for the bear spray.

Who is this tenacious critter? It is a mother grouse.  She is aggressively protecting her very tiny chicks.  She repeatedly charges then retreats all the while softly chucking until she is able to corral the chicks and move them out of harms way.  We move on and leave the little family in peace.


The trail takes us through a turtle study area. The lakesides and logs are dotted with shells marred by gaudy painted on numbers.  We see a few ducks and many impressive beaver dams.  We are on the Mizzy Lake Trail, the parks signature wildlife walk but today the most plentiful wildlife by far are the biting bugs.  Still, a great way to spend the morning.

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