New Haven bound

It is a bright beautiful morning and on its way to 70+ degrees. Carol, Kent and I head toward the shore for the day.  We ran a couple errands now we carve out a few hours to check out New Haven.  A stroll on the Green takes us past Center Church that is built over what is claimed as the oldest Colonial cemetery in the country and the Yale quad.  We have to check it out.  Magnificent brown stone castles ring courtyards some filled with blooming dogwood.  Carol even rubbed the lucky toe of the Woosely statue.  Then there is a reminder that this stately place is a campus; a gaudy bounce house in one corner and a cluster of “kids” slathering Vaseline on watermelons (we didn’t ask).

We stroll a farmers market on Wooster St. where artisan breads and cheeses are everywhere but we manage to resist since we are enroute to lunch is at Frank Pepe’s Pizzaria Napoletana.  We have to try the “famous Tomato Pie”.  The spinach & gorgonzola pie calls out to us as well….we will need a box.  The pies are definitely not classic pizza as we know it but they are delicious.

A stop at Fort Hale Park gives a chance to stroll along Long Island Sound and check out a beautiful fishing pier. There is lots of fishing happening but we don’t see any catching.  We spot one sailboat.

Heading home we just have to stop at Guida’s for some ice cream…peach, peanut butter pie and moose tracks make for a perfect ending to a great day.

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