Day 2 on the lake

The fog is thick this morning and rain forecast for early afternoon. We fiddle around camp then get out on the water around 9. Today we try trolling. Kent and I each choose very fish-like lures that we are certain those bass won’t be able to resist. “They” say the bass are feeding on minnows so we go for minnow-like lures. Kent fires up the 5hp motor and we dawdle our way around our little bay…for a couple hours. Nothing! In desperation Kent puts on a spoon – that looks only slightly like a minnow – and we try one more pass. A strike but a miss. We can’t stop now! As the clouds gather over the ridge we turn for another pass and “bang”. Fish on. Our (Kent’s) first real fish of the trip is a 4 pound 20 in long smallmouth bass. He is pretty pleased. The fish is happy too, we release it then gather up to get back to camp before the rain hits. The rain is faster than the required no wake speed back to camp but it didn’t dampen spirits.
A bit damp, we settled back in at camp expecting Carol any time now.

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