Another beautiful sunny day on the National Mall

Today is museum day. We chose two.
The Museum of American History – inventions, transportation, presidents and first ladies, war -lots of war, and a pretty little pair of ruby slippers (just back from a two year restoration project). One could easily spend a whole day.

The Holocaust Memorial Museum – I have avoided any of these memorials as we have traveled around the country but decided that probably wasn’t right. So, in we go. Exhibits provide broad historical context, lots of facts, heart rending personal stories, and soul searing images. Some people carried out unspeakable acts and millions more looked on and did nothing. It is both depressing and frightening to know that human beings are capable of such atrocity. I realize that knowing we are capable is an important step toward preventing that sort of thing from happening again but it was as disturbing as I thought it would be. Even so, I am glad I went

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