Moving day

It is just across the lake but it is a 100 mile drive to Echo Bay; pas the dam, skirt Boulder City, then up the west shoreline.  The climb up from Temple Basin takes us across at least three places where yesterday’s rain filled washes to the point of carrying debris across the road.  The water has gone down but sand and gravel are evidence of the mini flashfloods.  No problem getting through, just a reminder of the effects of even a moderate storm. 

North Shore drive takes us across row after row of gray and green mountains.  In gashes cut by washes or other areas of heavy erosion the red-rock under layers are exposed like wounds in the hillsides.  It is amazing terrain.  Travels go well and we are settled in by lunch time and spend the rest of the day relaxing and exploring a bit.  It is windy again so we save our first foray out onto this part of the lake for tomorrow.   

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