On to Echo Bay Lake Mead

Lower lake levels have affected this access point too, of course. It is a long gravel road from camp to the launch ramp that winds past the old ramp and the original marina area.  It is all abandoned now high above the current water level.  They have installed a decent lower water ramp here and we have all the provisions and fuel that we need so it is working out just fine for us.

Day 1: we catch 6 fish trolling in bays just across the lake from camp – Kent 4, Lynn 2.  It is a bit choppy so we don’t run very far.  Wild burros provide some entertainment as they race across the rolling shoreline then settle in to quietly munch on whatever they can find.

Day 2:  No matter how early we get up it seems we can’t get on the water before 8 AM.  That still gives us plenty of time before the blazing SW sun runs us back to the shade.  We try a couple different bays but fishing is really slow – especially for me.  I catch nothing today.  Kent does a little better catching 2.  It is still and the lake glass-calm.  It is perfect for exploring cathedral cove, a steep walled bay, and for watching a huge flock of Western Grebes floating and chatting among themselves.  We take a lap on the open lake to cool off and enjoy the scenery.  First, we have to check out the raucous burros.  They are claiming territory or something and making quite the fuss.  We spot a band of 8 and a number of scattered individuals along the east shore across from camp.  I think these are the guys I have been hearing in the evenings.  As always, fun to watch.

 I saw a black tailed jackrabbit this morning…speedy fellow.

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