On to Tonopah

We trek through wide basins blanketed in desert scrub.  Wild burros graze along the fence line; even a few foals.  In several places thousands of years of prevailing winds have swept the fine sand into massive sand dunes piled up against the mountain ridges.  As for evidence of mans’ presence; we pass the Area 51 Alien Center at Scotty’s Junction, the Dinky Diner in Goldfield and an unexplained row of 10 ft high sticks or bare trees with ribbons tied in them spaced about a mile apart along a stretch of 95.     

US 95 climbs up out of desert into the surrounding mountain ranges.  That couple thousand feet in elevation brings with it some significantly cooler temperatures.  Temps didn’t exceed 60 the entire trip.  We settle in at Tonopah Station, a casino/motel/restaurant with an Automated Washboard and a row of RV sites.  Nothing special but a level spot with power (we are going to need heat the next couple days) and there are museums and such to check out here.  

We make a quick trip to the Central Nevada Museum – it is one of those small-town museums filled with items donated by local residents and businesses.  It is an interesting peek into the history of this place and the lives of those who have called it home over the years.      

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