
First, the Friends Organization of the Mid Coast Refuge Complex sponsors a very tasty fajita luncheon as thanks to all volunteers, RVers and locals alike. The food is delicious and includes some classic Hispanic deserts, tres leches cake and flan plus an odd sounding but really delicious grapefruit and rosemary pie. Thanks to all the refuge staff for cooking and serving.
Our smaller circle, San Bernard Staff and our fellow RV volunteers, get together for a farewell dinner at a local pub, Wayside. It is a great tradition that gives us all a chance to visit, swap stories, and trade contact information to try and stay in touch once we all head on to other things. We have been part of their biggest volunteer group ever, 8 of us at one time. Six remain for at least another month or two but we are off on our next adventure. Australia and New Zealand here we come!

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