Wednesday -the start of Austrailia

Ok Jucy, here we come. An easy cab ride and we are picking up our new campervan. It is a carbon copy of the one we had in NZ with the exception that this one has a pretty serious stinky funk. I don’t think stuff ever dries out here in northern Queensland. Time will tell how that plays out. Might need a fabreeze run. We stock up groceries and necessities and head for Daintree National park, even further into the tropical rainforest. The road is curly and narrow and the journey includes a ferry crossing across the Daintree River. Cool.
We set up camp and as expected, it is sticky hot. Pool time. We cool off a bit in the pool plus a cool shower then set up for our first night up in the penthouse tent on top of the campervan. It has lots of screens and it seem like it might be cooler. Let’s hope. It rains pretty much all night. There is a tropical cyclone off shore. No threat of severe weather but lots of rain the next couple days.
We sleep well and awake early to light rain but nothing insurmountable. While we were upstairs there have been mice in our house. Mouse (1) people (0) lost an apple and a bag of chips overnight

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