Australia bound

It is a rainy but thankfully short walk to the airport in Christchurch and we are anxiously awaiting the next step of our trip, Australia. Air New Zealand carries off a great flight to Brisbane, on time, pretty good dinner, and smooth- except the landing that was a bit bouncy. No problem, we are safely aground. Qantas didn’t do so well. We are an hour late taking off and make up nothing on the way. Bit of a bummer but again, safely on the ground plus no real hassle with coronavirus anywhere along the way.
We step off the plane and it hits us in the face – 10PM and still over 80F and so humid the air feels thick. This is going to take some getting used to.
Late arrival puts us late into the Lilybank Guesthouse. We find a note that we are in room four, through the kitchen and the lounge and down the hall to the left. The key is in the door. All true. It is a cute guesthouse with fun décor and wonderful hostess – helpful but not intrusive. We even have a resident tree frog, Gary. Original plans had us to the guesthouse by 4PM or so. It would have been a lovely place for an evening. Still, a great night and a quiet breakfast of toast, granola and yogurt and a chance to sample vegemite on toast. It is awful!

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