Bye Casey the Cassowary

The friendly neighborhood cassowary is out to greet us as we pack up to move on. It is a nice start to a great day of spontaneous stops fueled by enthusiastic staff at information centers in Tully and Ingham. The talks are almost as fun as the actual outings.
In Tully, we climb the 7.9-meter-high Golden Gum Boot. Tully claims the wettest town in Australia. There is a treefrog on the boot! Next is lunch along the lovely beach park in Caldwell, just a quiet little seaside town.
From Ingham we are directed to Wallaman Waterfalls. The tallest, single drop, continuously flowing falls in Australia. We are admonished to follow signs carefully as we will zigzag through cane paddocks, maybe dodge cows along the way, and watch out for cassowary in the highlands. The drive is as promised but no cassowaries even along the curvy mountain climb.
The view from the top is impressive but we can’t resist a walk to the bottom – looking-up views of falls are always so much more dramatic. We nearly regret the decision as we round the final switchback absolutely dripping with sweat, it is still hot and humid here. All at once a cool sprinkle of rain and a bright beautiful rainbow arching across the gorge. What an end for a walk!
The adventuresome drive back into town takes us till dark so we stay the night. It gives us a good chance to check out a great sounding wetland birding area in the morning. Camp is at the Ingham Caravan Park, great people, nice facilities but a bit noisy nestled between A1 and the railroad tracks.
I have book marked one stop for tomorrow recommended by both hosts, the Frosty Mango.

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