Overlook and mosey on

We take a few minutes this morning to climb the bluff above Coffs Harbor and take in the seaside view. We attempted to do this yesterday but our Australian GPS, Lillypenny (Lilly for short), sent us to a dead end. We do a little research and have better luck today. We take in the view plus a story along the trail of the creation story as told by one of the aboriginal tribes. It is a lovely walk, view, and it is always interesting to hear the cultural stories.
On we go. The route is pretty much M1/A1 to Sydney. We take a short detour to check out Nambucca Head, a shoreline vacation destination with beautiful rugged shoreline. We lounge at the overlook enjoying delicious sweet treats from the local bakery – passionfruit/coconut bar, a blueberry croissant, and pecan pie. View and baked goods are both fantastic.
We are approached by a local, to only with 1.5 meters of course. He is quite animated about the plight of Australia with the coronavirus and is a stanch supporter of NY Governor Cuomo with the self-isolation policies. In a nutshell he says, “Australia’s government is missing the mark and the military needs to move in to manage the situation. Citizens just don’t follow the social distancing rules and the virus is being carried across the country by the hordes of backpackers that are trapesing north for the winter.” Wow. We wish him well and continue on our way.
We settle in at Seal Rocks for our last two nights in the campervan. It is a remote campground with lots of beach and rocky shore views. It is beautiful AND it is easy to practice social distancing in this sort of place. Folks in larger towns are noticeably more nervous about close encounters and new rules are coming out every day limiting people’s activities. Looks like we will still get a couple days to wander the streets in Sydney to sightsee then it is probably good we are heading home. We are thankful to be healthy and actually enjoy the National Park trails and beach scene anyway. Perhaps we are natural social distancers?

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