Willa has a new hiking carrier

We are hitting a trail again today but this time Willa is joining us. Today we get to try out her new carrier. It is very cool with lots of storage pockets and a sun shade. It is light too. That is certainly a plus. We decide it is best to try a trail we are a little familiar with so head back to Pawling Preserve for a quick test run. Willa is up for the adventure and starts out on her own two feet. Fantastic. I was a little afraid that she would just want to ride since that is so much easier but we end up with a pretty good mix of walking and riding plus a brief nap (Willa of course) the last 15 minutes or so. We cover a total of just under 3 miles. The carrier is absolutely great. It is comfortable and balances the load nicely on the hips. Willa seems to be comfortable too. Still, no way that the extra 30 pounds or so doesn’t cause noticeable extra work. So worth it though, to be able to have Willa enjoy being out with us. We even got to see a deer.

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