Father’s Day

We celebrated Fathers twice this year. That’s seems about right. We have some pretty spectacular Dads. First, an afternoon at the park including a lovely hike with Mike, Tracy and Willa at Pound Ridge Park where we skirt a creek, find a couple of frogs and have a perfect snack break, grapes on a bridge rock. Dale and James join us for a picnic lunch and strawberry shortcake to celebrate the guys. Willa presented her card “Dad Rocks”. True as always, I love watching Mike and Willa together. It is beautiful. Lots of thanks and kudos to Dads Kent and James too for their roles in raising some amazing kids.
In a little lower key moment of celebration, Mike and Tracy stop by with a pan of mush (for frying). Mike has cooked it up knowing that it is one of Kent’s breakfast favorites, right next to fresh biscuits. Of course, we have to fry some up right then. It does not disappoint and makes for a pretty tasty lunch with a side of fresh fruit. It is a great quiet get together. Willa is with the Youngs and while we miss her it is kind of nice to be all about us and the kids for a bit.
Brian checks in from Texas and all is right with another Father’s Day. We are so blessed.

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