Slow start to the fishing

The lake is 4 foot below normal pool with lots of stickups at and just below the surface.  Chop and turbid water caused by high, gusty winds make visibility terrible.  We venture out once but spend more time bumping off timber than moving forward.  Kent makes the call to stay here in the bay at camp.  It is a lovely place to float and enjoy the warm sunny weather but we don’t have much luck fishing.  I caught the only one; a fair-sized catfish…it is back in the water just as fast as Kent can get it off the hook!

Eagles chipping and great blue heron squawks are heard every morning and evening.  Great egrets put on a ballet in the evening as they vie for the best perch just off shore.  A group of belted kingfishers call our bay home.  They chatter and dart among the lakeside branches.  There are cormorants aplenty and we spot deer along the far shore.  We have lovely view across the lake from camp.

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