Night Out

We catch the 4:30 ferry across to Lake Havasu City.  It is a smooth ride; cool, with great views of the mountains lining both sides of the river valley.   We disembark near the Brooklyn Bridge.  Light crowds (we are just ahead of the spring break crush) make it a great night for a stroll.  But first, dinner.  We go for Burgers by the Bridge…not real fancy but the food is good and seating is right along the water.  Clam chowder, fish and chips and a plate of ooey gooey loaded fries more than satisfy our hungries.  Now for a stroll.  It is lovely as we watch the sunset from a bench along the channel then the bridge lights come to life. Sunburned and tipsy beach goers make their way back into town on foot and via greatly overloaded boats on the channel.  The night is still young for some.  We make our way back to the ferry dock and home across the lake. Nice.

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