Monarch Pass

We go for an easy day today.  First, a quiet stroll along the river in Salida where we watch “surfers” ride the whitewater and enjoy morning sweet treats from Little Red Hen Bakery.  The lemon bar and three berry muffin are both wonderful. I love the name of the place.  We found it last time we came through and are glad to see it is still in business.

Then, we are on to Monarch pass via US50 to check out the view from 11,312 feet and with a gondola ride up to the top, 12,000ft.  The gondola ride is a bit exciting as the cars bounce in the wind.  It is clear and we see Pikes Peak and The San Juan Mountains, about 80 miles.  We hang and enjoy the views for a bit then are on our way.  The rest of the day is filled with some shopping to restock and prep to move tomorrow.  On to Crested Butte and a quiet National Forest Campground, Lottis Creek.

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