Grand Mesa Colorado

Billed as ‘The largest’ or ‘One of the largest’ flat top mountains in the world, it is high at 10,000+ feet and it is huge.  It is also tree covered and dotted with hundreds of lakes, quite different from the vast high desert and the sage brush ranges flanking it on three of its sides far below.  We approach from the south up Colorado 65 on a steep climb of 6000 feet above the plains with our first stop the visitor center in Cedaredge then on to camp at Vega State Park. Kent is glad to just be pulling the little truck rather than the big trailer.  Once we reach the top, I am on wildlife watch.  They reintroduced moose here about 25 years ago and the herd now numbers in the 400s.  They also claim mule deer, elk, black bear and marmots.  It is wildflower season too so always something for me to watch for while Kent watches the road.  The route zig-zags between lakes in the center of the mesa.  It is a beautiful ride with amazing views.  Stops to explore further will wait until we safely settle the motorhome and are back out and about in the truck.

Now I’m a bit bummed.  We, more specifically I, completely misjudged the location of our camp.  Vega is all the way back down off the north side of the mesa and another 20 miles across the hot arid landscape. It is in the mid 90s when we get here.   Its just not what I’ve been imagining.  I thought I’d wake up early the next few mornings in the cool wilderness camp and just step out to watch for wildlife and relax in the evenings in that same setting.  Instead, it’ll be a long arduous drive we will make maybe once or twice.  Like I said, not what I have been envisioning.  On the bright side, our site is on the sunflower blanketed shore of a lovely little lake and we see deer, a falcon, and osprey plus a number of other familiar birds.

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